Laughter and Love

This post is contributed.

Life’s pretty busy right now. In between your work and your family commitments you’re trying to keep up your commitment to the gym and squeeze in a drink or two with friends. Time for yourself? Hardly. Time as a couple? Almost non-existent.

If you’re in a relationship and particularly if you have children, you’ll know that occupying the same space is not the same as spending time together. Children, household chores and social media are all massive distractions and can easily begin to take the place of spending quality moments with your partner. So if you’re struggling to connect and to carve out some space together, we look at some fresh ways of reconnecting with zero pressure and getting back some of that spark that a busy life can sometimes put out.

So where should you start? Firstly with that simple process of talking together and acknowledging that you need to spend a little more time and re-establish a commitment to setting aside an evening or an afternoon a week just for the pair of you.

If you’re not sure what to do with your
time and dinner or drinks don’t appeal, then think about the things you liked
doing when you first got together. Perhaps you were really in to a certain type
of movie and saw the whole series together, or maybe you loved going to comedy
and spend some time laughing together, a great, relaxing way to share some fun.

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Image courtesy of Pixabay

When’s the last time you checked in with your partner about how they’re really feeling? Sure you ask about work and the kids but do you know if they’re under any stresses and strains and have you told them about your own worries? It’s too easy to sweep things under the rug but these issues can very quickly mount up and cause problems in a relationship if not dealt with quickly. Don’t allow your problems to get in the way of your relationship, talk them through together and find solutions together.

If you’re both ready for a bit of a shake-up on your date nights then how about starting something new together. We don’t mean a new series on Netflix but something you can both learn and enjoy as a couple. This might be taking up a sport or other physical hobby or getting involved with a charity or political party that you support.

You might not be looking to reignite all the sparks that flew when you first got together but there’s no reason why you can’t get back something of that magic and remind each other why you make such a great pair.

Whatever you do make sure it’s something you do regularly. Your relationship and future happiness deserves a little bit of time and commitment. Everyday life can easily get in the way so find some clever and innovative ways of spending a little more time, having a little more fun and a lot more laughs.


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I Am Natasha