Different Specialisms Within the Field of Family Law

When we think of “the law” and “legal systems”, we tend to automatically think of major crime. However, it’s important to remember that the law can be applied to even the most intimate parts of our lives. It is in place to protect us and to protect others around us. This is why there is even a distinct area of law called “family law”. This is in place to ensure that you, your partner, and any children that you may have are safe and secure. Here are a few specialisms within the field to familiarise yourself with!


When most people think of starting a family, they will tend to think of having a child through the traditional means of conception, birthing, and then raising a child with their partner. But nowadays, as a society, we are coming to understand that this isn’t necessarily an option for everyone. Same sex couples are unable to conceive a child with only their own gametes and reproductive systems. There are numerous couples in which one partner is infertile or unable to have children due to previous voluntary sterilisation. There are also individuals who want a child but who do not have or do not intend to have a partner. For individuals such as these, adoption is a brilliant option that could pair people up with a child who is in need of a loving family and home. Adoption is also a great option for people who can have children of their own. However, as you can imagine, the adoption process isn’t quite so simple as handing a child over to anyone who claims that they want to have a child. There are numerous individuals’ wellbeing to bear in mind and children are relatively vulnerable at any time anyway, so it’s important that they, in particular, are protected throughout the entire process. Legalities surrounding adoption ensure that any candidates who want to adopt a child are effectively vetted and screened, that they can prove that they can provide for the child, and that permanent care of the child is highly likely. There are then all sorts of legal processes involved including:

  • Consent to adoption, where birth parents sign documents verify that they want to relinquish responsibility over and care for the child.

  • Consent to adoption, where an adoption agency confirms that legal requirements of intended parents have been met.

  • Consent to adoption, by the child if they are of an adequate age.

  • TPR, or “termination of parental rights”, where a judge can create a decree that terminates the legal rights of the child’s birth parents over the child in question.

Child Custody

Nowadays, increasing numbers of partnerships and marriages that bring children into the world are ending before these children become adults. When parents split and no longer live in the same home, custody can become an issue. While many parents will be able to come to a civil agreement of their own accord and can ensure that children spend quality time with both parents, other relationships end on a more bitter note and families will require legal intervention to come to a fair and logical conclusion that will allow both parents to be involved in their little ones’ lives. This area of law tends to be referred to as “child custody” law, as it determines who has custody of the children and when they have custody of the children. Sometimes, this law will also be brought in to prove whether one parent or both parents are a danger or risk to the children involved. This can result in inadequate parents being denied access to their children for the kids’ sake. If you are experiencing issues with child custody, you should contact BartonWood.


If a parent is deemed unfit to be entitled to custody of their children, there may be the chance of gaining visitation rights. This will allow them to still see their children on a regular basis, even if they cannot live with them or assume full responsibility and care of them. This can prove to be an opportunity for them to still maintain a bond with their offspring. However, legal work generally needs to be incorporated into this process to ensure that children involved are safe and protected throughout this entire process. Legal representatives can help to arrange meeting times, meeting places (perhaps in official visitation centres), and supervision if necessary.

Child Support

When parents split, both still have to maintain financial responsibility over their children, regardless of whether they have custody or not, and regardless of whether they want to see their children or not. One parent cannot bear the full financial burden of raising children. Financial support has to be offered in order for responsibility to be shared. Again, some couples will be able to come to a civil and amicable agreement of their own accord. But, again, there are situations where one or both parents can be difficult and create problems that need to be overcome. Child support law will ensure that both parents are contributing a fair amount financially to the raising of children that are their own and that this money is paid.

These are just a few different specialisms within the field of family law. Each serves a different purpose, but all work together towards the end goal of protecting families and children in various different situations.

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Happy Monday! Thanksgiving is in a few short days and I am eager to get some holiday shopping done, get our Christmas tree up, and get our home in order for the holiday season. Christmas time is my absolute favorite. I am excited to decorate our tree with the forest green velvet ribbon and berry trimmings I snagged at Hobby Lobby today. I also flocked our old tree... I hope it looks okay.

Have a splendid day!

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I Am Natasha