How to Get Your Toddler to Have a Good Nights Sleep

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Toddlers tend to resist going to sleep. While infants absolutely embrace sleeping, toddlers seem to have a bit of a hatred for it instead. They’ll cry, fight, and would much rather play with their toys and discover stuff rather than fall asleep. Of course, the more sleepy they are, the more angry they get. On top of that, if they have a bad nap or a bad night's sleep, they’re pretty cranky the next day. It’s understandable, as the average person usually gets pretty cranky if they don’t feel well-rested.

Fortunately, it’s not all that tough to ensure your little one has a good sleep. Oftentimes, parents will look into articles like “Toddler Floor Beds: Pros And Cons And Tips For Parents” and take into consideration that, but it truly doesn’t need to stop there. So, here is what you can do to ensure that every night, your little one is getting the best sleep they can!

The Bedtime Needs to be Consistent

Everyone of every age needs to have a consistent time they go to bed; in general, it’s just something your bio clock needs. Having consistent sleep habits is vital for toddlers. It gives them a sense of security and comfort and helps them understand that bedtime is simply part of their daily routine.

Your child may protest bedtime when they’re overtired, grumpy, hungry, or thirsty. You can help them overcome these obstacles by ensuring that they’re not overstimulated before bed and keeping them from using screens, which lower melatonin levels at night. If the bedtime is consistent and if the bedtime routine is consistent, then they’re not going to protest sleeping as much because their body has picked up on when it’s time to sleep, and you’ll know not to overstimulate them either.

Create a Sleep-Inducing Environment

Is their nursery comfortable enough for them to fall asleep? As a parent, one of the life skills you need to understand is how easily stimulated children are. Their bedrooms shouldn’t be in loud or bright areas, or else it’s going to be too challenging to fall asleep. Learn how to create a sleep-inducing environment for your toddler. Decorate their bedroom in calming colors, use soft light and dark window blinds, and ensure the TV is off.

Some children fear sleeping alone at night and need to know they are just fine.  If this is a problem for your child, try talking to them about their fears and reassuring them that you are always there. You may also want to consider using comfort tools like white noise or lullabies and a sleep sack to help them feel safe in their bed.

Create a Soothing Bedtime Routine

Overexcitement, discomfort, or stubbornness are some of the most common reasons toddlers put up a bedtime battle.  But what you need to do is create something soothing for them. A soothing bedtime routine can help your toddler calm down and wind down, making it easier to fall asleep.

Start the routine with a bath (with the lights dimmed) and then move on to other low-key activities like reading books, singing songs, or calm stretching. Consider adding a lovey, such as a favorite blanket or teddy bear, to help your tot feel secure and safe in their sleep. And be sure to keep screens and other devices out of their room too.

Give Them a Bedtime Story

As mentioned a couple of times already, why not give them a bedtime story? A simple story can keep them entertained and focused on sleep. A short plot with familiar characters works best, so kids can relate to it. Pausing in the middle of the story is another way to keep them interested and engaged. It allows them to wonder what’s coming next and can build suspense. You can also use pitch, pacing, and sound effects to create an immersive experience for your child. You just need to keep in mind when it comes to stories, it can’t be too exciting, or else they’re going to be more interested in that than sleeping.

Avoid Over-Stimulation

Just like big kids and adults, even toddlers get overstimulated to the point that they’re going to struggle to get any sleep. So, it’s pretty important to be aware of how your toddler gets overstimulated so you can quickly remove them from the situation or offer them something else to help them calm down. It is also important to use calm, soothing voices when they are overstimulated. Ideally, the entire environment is quiet and calm, with no loud noises or anything like that. You should also consider the fact that the bedtime routine itself needs to be very soothing, too, in order to avoid any potential stimulation.

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