Aurora: 10 Months

Time is just going bye so quickly lately. I cannot believe that in two months my sweet baby girl will be one years old. She is growing so fast and getting bigger as each day goes bye. I find myself looking at photos and seeing how much she has changed in the past nine months. Its amazing! I do miss snuggling my itty-bitty girl but enjoy my little adventurous lady. She loves to explore now that she is mobile and she is starting to try and pull herself up onto things. She still rolls around the living room like a crazy person on a mission and her newest thing is laying on her back and kicking her feet down as hard as possible. She loves the "thud" sound it makes. She is so silly and so sweet. I am enjoying being a mom to a girl. They are so much different than boys. Here is what's new our little lady:

- She pulls herself up on objects like the sofa or people and she is starting to walk will holding on to objects.

- She has figured out how to rock back and forth on her knees. Pretty soon she will be a speedy little crawler.

- Her favorite toy to play with right now is a mini version of Belt from The Croods. She is really into playing with her brothers things.

- She has six teeth (four on top and two on the bottom)!

- She is very smiley, except for when I try and take her picture.

- She loves the sound of her own voice. She is a little babbler and she even sings.

- When she sits on the floor, she kicks her feet nonstop. I can tell she's going to be hyperactive when she's older.

- Rora finally eats a jar of baby food at each sitting. She loves her fruits and sweet potatoes.

- She enjoys following mom around the house.

- She loves playing the drop game. She thinks its hilarious.

- Her chubby little thighs are starting to go away now that she is learning to stand and walk around objects. Every day she gets one step closer to walking and I don't like it.

- Her hair is coming in blond. She's my little Goldie Locks. 

- She also is obsessed with the vacuum. She will chase it around the house while we clean. She also loves to turn it on for me.

- Clickers and phones make great teething toys in her mind.

- Oh! She talks in her sleep...

- She also likes to rock herself back-and-forth against the wall. She likes it, even when she bumps her head against it on accident. 

- She plays peak-a-boo with pretty much anyone. 

- She is a major flirt too. 

- She loves sucking on her toes. 

- She waves. 

- She can say mama, dada, ba-ba, and nom-nom's. She also says her name. 

- Rora is also is learning to feed herself. She tried olives the other day and was kind of grossed out by them. She loves banana's (I swear all babies do!). 

I can't seem to think of anything else at the moment but will add it to next months update. I still cannot believe how fast the past year has gone. My sweet Aurora will be a big girl soon but I am going to try and enjoy the last two months of her babyness before she becomes a full fledged toddler. Happy 10 months Princess! We love you baby girl.  

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I Am Natasha