Happy Easter

Easter was an insanely busy weekend for us. We had a lot on our plate but we had a great holiday. On Saturday we took the boys to an Easter Egg Hunt at church. Amari and Talan had a blast collecting eggs. Trev took Amari on his hunt and I took Talan on his very first egg hunt. He had a blast even though he had no idea what he was doing at first. I kept encouraging him to pick up eggs and put them in his basket. Instead, T tried to open his eggs and see what goodies were hidden inside. He even put eggs in other little kids basket. It was pretty precious to watch. He ended up collecting about 20 eggs. After work and a baby shower, we headed up north to Olympia. This year one of my sisters joined us. 

Easter Sunday the bunny paid Poppi and MiMi's house a visit. Amari was very excited about getting his basket. Talan was indifferent like always. All he cared about were the nom-noms in his basket. After breakfast we headed to church for Easter service. Brunch was scrumptious and the boys had a blast looking for their Easter eggs. The Easter Bunny even paid Amari and Talan an unexpected visit. We had a fabulous holiday. Happy Easter from our family to yours! 

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I Am Natasha