Busy Life? Here's How to Fit in Exercise

 This post is contributed. 

Life is busy. It doesn't matter whether you are studying or working or balancing the two at the same time while also having kids. It's busy. Trying to squeeze in regular exercise into your life can feel like a completely impossible task at times. Exercise isn't something that's easy to add into your busy schedule because work hours often demand from you. If you don't have much free time, often the last thing you want to do is suspend it, pushing yourself at a gym or trying to fit in a jog when you are too exhausted to go out.

The thing is, you can improve your mood, energy, sleep levels, and brain power simply by making sure that you are exercising. Whether you're doing that on a hiking trail, upper mountain, or going to your local Fitness 19, it's completely up to you. But the point is it's beneficial. Let's take a look at how to fit your exercise in when you have a busy life.

Image source: Pexels

1. Book it in. When you add exercise to your schedule, You're more likely to do it. Putting something onto your calendar means that you've made it a priority, and you'll actually be able to find the effort to tick off the list. It's like tricking your brain into something super satisfying. Giving that task a tick means that you've done a good thing. Don't just tell yourself you're going to go to the gym or the specific day of the week, but be specific and write it down. What type of workout are you going to do on a Monday? Are you going to work the upper or lower body on a Wednesday? Are you joining a class on a Friday? When you plan it properly, you work your life around the gym and not the other way around.

2. Make exercise convenient. It's important that you don't feel like exercise is something you have to go out of your way to do. So making sure that you choose a gym that's near your home or near your work so that you can easily get there is important. If you don't want to go to the gym, then making sure that you can find a decent YouTube video to do in your living room, even while the kids are around; it's going to help you to fit in your exercise regardless, making exercise convenient or doing something as simple as laying out your gym clothes tonight before is going to give you that last kick of motivation.

3. Get a friend to do it with you. When you schedule exercising with a friend, you're going to think of it more as a social event and not something that you're doing alone. You're going to be able to push each other and cheer each other on when you're getting something right. There's no accountability when you invite a friend over, so fitting it into your busy life is easier because you're actually making time for a social life.

4. Change up your social life. Speaking of socials, instead of going for drinks with a friend, why not get your hiking boots on and go out for a walk? Why not do exercise and extracurricular activities that you do as a group?

Thanks for stopping by the blog! It's been a while since I last posted something here, even if it's a contributed post. Hopefully, these tips will help you. Let me know in the comments what tips you will implement into your daily routine. Have a lovely day, friends!

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I Am Natasha